Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
Seeing Through series, 2013
This project was created using a pinhole camera, in order to attempt to capture the world as seen through the eyes of an infant making its first steps.
An all encompassing world, unaltered by knowledge, where everything seems so great, so tall, so vast, so wonderful!
Returning to treasured places from my childhood, I let myself be guided by my emotions rather than by theory of the photographic medium.
Dans ce projet j’ai essayé, avec un appareil sténopé, de capturer une image du monde vue à travers les yeux d’un enfant faisant ses premiers pas.
Un monde holistique, inaltéré par la connaissance, où tout paraît si grand, si haut, si vaste, si merveilleux !
Retrouvant les lieux de promenade de mon enfance, je me suis laissé guider par mes émotions plutôt que par les théories du medium photographique.